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Agreements for the apply of the membership(Channel): 

The applicant is invited to read the following rules. Press “agree” 口that agree to the following terms, without any objection, otherwise please leave this site. 

  1. For The information provided, all of them are regarded as the property of our site. The applicant has no right to remove any information. If you insisted on the need to remove the information. For the request of any removal, there are HK $500 administrative costs about the handling deleted accounts. 

  2. Only apply of 1 times per person or agency company, and the account of the use of the right cannot be handed over to a third party. If more than 1 submission is found, we would stop the accounts and the GI Fun Dollar will be cancelled immediately(if applicable). We also preserved the right to get back the administrative costs. 

  3. Delete, move or add any Member issued, data or files, we will not notify in advance. 

  4. (Applicable to Registered Insurance Agent)With getting the referral from our website, person must have the valid license with satisfying the law requirement. Any sales related actions and/or after sales service we have no any liability at all. 

  5. We will not ask for any remuneration from successful referral cases. 

  6. If any frauds declaration discovered, we will delete the member’s information without prior notice, and any advertising fee received will not be refunded. 

  7. If member is no longer be the licensed person, please notify us via email at once, and any advertising fee received will not be refunded. 

  8. The website above rules, if any, increase, modify, or delete subject to notice, members regularly browse their own terms and conditions page.
